Monday, July 4, 2011

Folder Search Scopes

There's something that drives me nuts every time I need to use it, but because I don't do it often I always forget what it is I do to fix it. This is setting up Search Scopes.

There's plenty of information out there regarding how to set up a search scope for a folder so I'm not going to go into those details, but one thing that comes up is the dreaded "xyz Items, Total: 0" error. That is, when you set up a search scope, an approximate number of items within the scope is returned, but after a refresh, there is still 0 items in total - what gives?

Well, the basic answer is that when you set up a folder search scope, you need to use the url of the default server mapping. In the case I've just worked with, the default server mapping is, but because it's available externally the urls I work with are When creating the rule for the search scope, I had to enter for the scope to pick up the valid items.